Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ever Wonder Why You Should Invest In A Hand Knit Item?

I want to take tonight to talk about investing in a hand knit item. Sweater, socks, hat, scarf, coat doesn't matter what but why. When you think about purchasing off the rack in the store you think about color and what you are going to wear with the knit item.
But when you invest in a hand knit item you think about durability (how long will it last), what you will wear with it, what kind of yarn will feel comfortable on you, and then what you will wear with it.
A hand knit item is, more than likely, going to be on your shelf in the dressing room a lot longer than the item off the shelf. So make sure it is servicable. It's got to last because you are paying dearly for the yarn, the pattern, and the time involved the knitter is taking to knit the item. Nope, this is your run of the mill off the shelf item. This hand knit work of art is exactly that, a work of art. It is going to fit you exact. And it's going to take a lot of time.
Time is hard to calculate when ordering the item. If it's just a plain sweater, one color, large knitting needles, and large heavy weight yarn plan on the knitter telling you it will take about 120 constant knitting hours. Oh my gosh, that's a lot! A machine in a factory can do it in a few minutes, maybe even seconds. Add a pattern or design and it's a couple hundred more. Add, say, 8 or 9 colors and you've got way too many hours to think about counting. So, now, are you ready to pay for those hours? Well, now, 120 hours x's say even $8.00 an hour. Yeeks! Believe it or not, the hand knitter is doing this item as a work of her/his talents and love for the art, art of knitting that is. And believe me, she/he could find other things in life to do that didn't take as much time.
Be ready to invest heavily in a hand knit item. For this item will last a long, long time, look good on you and be truly a piece of art!

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Thursday, August 27, 2009


I need to step up into high gear. I feel like I'm not getting things done that I want to get crackin' on.
My Fall orders for hand knit sweaters and hand knit socks are beginning to come in. They will continue now through Christmas. Then the "year to knit" orders will surface after that. Yes, a year to knit. Designer sweaters and coats.
I want to begin talking to you about yarns. And patterns and designs.
So today, let's start with yarn.
Do you itch from wool? Do you like the smooth, soft cuddley feel when you wear a sweater or a pair of socks?
I recommend first that you take the time to go to a yarn shop. Begin browsing and touching. Feeling on your face and hands the different textures. A good yarn shop will have swatches knit up so that you can actually feel the difference.
Ask questions. DO NOT BUY THE FIRST THING YOU THAT CATCHES YOUR EYE. You must research this if it is something that you want to wear for a few years or that you are going to invest money into.
Ask how many colors it is available in.
Ask if they can order more of the "SAME DYE LOT". Oh, what's a dye lot?
Ask if it is the right amount of strands, too thick or too thin for the item you want to knit or have knitted.
Ask about laundring the yarn once it is knit into a sweater or a pair of socks.
Ask if it will fade.
Ask how many skeins you would need for an average cardigan, pullover or pair of socks.
Ask how soon extra could be returned for a refund.
Ask if they can make other suggestions that you might be interested in.
Ask for a sample of the yarn to take home for consideration.
Remember, just because it is eye appealing to you, doesn't mean that it is the perfect yarn for the item you want.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Today is Tuesday, Today is Tuesda, dah, dah, de, dah!

Anne from California has asked me to knit for her. I encouraged her to look at different sweater patterns and yarns. If you are considering a "work of art" consider looking at ideas from Kafee and Debbie Bliss. Vogue Knitting is a good source and there are many, many, many places to look online.
Kafee is, in my opinion, a work in progress. He has the lines and looks that I like. But it doesn't matter where you look, it matters on you, and your ideas. You do realize, don't you, that when you have a sweater knit, it isn't like picking one up off the shelf. Hand knitting allows for you, your thoughts and wishes and your size. Most of you are use to having to make something fit. But by hand knitting, we can knit strictly to your own measurements. So, now what does that mean exactly? Well, Are you 73 inches around in your bust? Are you 18 inches in your waist? Are you 36 inches in your hips? Is your arm length 17 inches or 21 inches? Do you like to cover your back side, or show your back side? Mid-drift showing or cover the rolls? Me, I like to cover my rolls! :) So I do it all, just the way you want it.
Yarns? Are you a cashmere, wool, or allergies keep you in cotton? It's all out there and lately in just the colors you are looking for. I know some good spinners and also know that we can find you just about anything you wish online, in yarn shops or yarn exhibits which are starting up now all over the USA and Canada. For me, the yarn exhibit nearest me will be in October but you check your area for one. It will be an enjoyable day of browsing and buying.
And now, let's talk about style. You look at a sweater and what do you see? Sleeves, neckline, front panels. Don't like or do like the sleeves on one. Like the neckline on another and then decide you want something different on the front panels. Not a problem. It's easy to take "pieces" from several different designers and put them together in a look just knit for you. Unsure, what exactly it will look like? Well, print each look out, cut and tape them together and sit back and look at it. Don't be hasty. Leave it alone for a few days. Check back. Still like it? Good let's get knitting. Don't like it? Cut and tape some more until you do. Don't rush into it.
Now, have I aroused your interest?
I'll be gone to Senior Leadership class tomorrow but will try yet this week to do a little something on types of yarns.
Oh, yes, I forgot. You need socks, kilt hose, etc. to go with your outfits. Look no further.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

My Passions Are Numerous

Just in case you are here for the first time, maybe the only time, keep in mind that I am most passionate about my hand knitting. I absolutely love hand knitting for persons all around Canada and USA. Most of what I am ask to knit are hand knit sweaters, coats and socks.
My forte' is that I knit to a persons measurement. Not your usual off the shelf buy here. And I knit to your choice of pattern and to your choice of yarns. Cashmere is a favorite yarn to knit with but I'll knit on any yarn created.
My blog friend hand paints yarns and I am excited about her yarn. They look yummy enough to eat!
My favorite patterns and designs, for the moment are by Kafee. Oh yes, they are absolute!
Thanks for visiting my blog and remember to write me at when you are ready to make an apparel statement with a lucious hand knit item.
Enjoy life, you only have one chance at it!

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Been a long time, but I'm back!

Well you know me! Been a long time since blogging but am back. Garden is slowing down to a dull roar. I have about 15 quarts of tomatoes, 6 quarts and 1 pint of green beans, 6 quarts of squash ready for the pressure canner right now. And then there's the 1/2 bu. of lovely white grapes for my favorite grape jelly. That will need to come tomorrow.
Thought I'd get to finish painting one of my bathrooms today but that didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow. I thought that I had really, really goofed. I had this hair brain idea that I wanted deep, rich, dark, dark blue. Well, night before last, about 10 pm I started painting. My tile looked lite green next to that paint at 10 pm. I about cried and begged David not to go into that bathroom. Well, yesterday morning it looked a whole, whole, whole lot better. So, I'll keep it! White accessories and it'll kick, or so I'll think. Then I'll top it with blue glass tiles around the sink. Oh yes, I think it will be a moving statement! Who cares if everyone that goes in there gets the job done and doesn't linger long. Not Me!!!
I have someone by the name of Anne from Cali. looking at knitting patterns for a sweater. She is an artist so I think she'll choose something that really "talks" to her, probably a pattern from Kaffe. Kaffe patterns are absolutely hot in my opinion. Now there isn't a single one that doesn't speak to me. And with some of the yarns from those of you who read this, awesome!
So, I'll send Anne your way when she's ready for yarn, k?
Have a terrific week.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009


Hello to all,
Finished a grocery tote and used it at Walmart. Felt so very good not to carry out their little plastic bags. I'll make more now and use them at the grocery store too.
I didn't know that there are so many flowering plants that propagate. I looked up Forsethia, Rose of Sharon and a couple others including grape vines. Wow, I was shocked. And since I have a hillside, a creek bank and some other areas decided I'd get started sticking branches into the ground. Maybe by next spring they will be big enough so that those areas won't need weedeating. Along with that, I put some Lion's Ear seed, some double pink poppy seed, and some coneflower seed into the ground. Divided and started some more hostas. Did you ever see the Lion's Ear? Google it and you'll be intrigued by the spikey orange flowers. How beautiful!

Evidently more people are gardening this summer because of the economy. We haven't sold as much as other years in our driveway. That's fine with me because then I can can more squash and green beans. We delivered a bushel of both of those to the soup kitchen to help feed the needy.

Well, I'd better get off here and get some knitting worked on this evening. Hope all of you have a fantastic week. Stay safe!

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