Monday, July 6, 2009


I am just beginning to get my sock orders in. Usually each fall I knit between 40-60 pairs of socks for people. I can knit a pair in about 2 days.
I like to have the customer measure their feet so that I get it right on the size I knit. Why in the world sell something that is either too big or too small or some kind of color that no one would ever buy to wear.
Had a nice compliment from a person on Twitter last night. Makes my heart bump up and down more rapid when people compliment me on my knitting or cooking. She's from Tennessee and a knitter herself.
I'd better get off here and get busy. The garden is producing now so will set up a table in my driveway and sell to neighborhood people. Have been giving the first to close friends and neighbors. Once it starts we not only sell but deliver 3-8 bushels of veggies a week to the soup kitchen. I hate to see anything go to waste. Last summer I canned squash for the first time. You know, it was rather tasty during the winter. I made it into squash casseroles. We probably ate a casserole a week.
Have a good one, y'hear!

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