Happy Monday!
Picked up some cabbage and brussel sprout plants today. Will get them into the ground. Also some swiss chard and collard seed. Don't know if it is too early to plant the seed. I guess it will just lay there until it is warm enough but then the worry will be if it will get too cold again for it.
I am so enjoying checking out the blurb on www.xmarksthescot.com . Hopeful that most of the members will need kilt hose at one time or another.
Woops, got the evening hose upside down, I don't think this puter will let me turn it around either, so guess you'll have to stand on your head.
At any rate, I have an argyle hose pattern but it doesn't show a very good photo. So will look for another photo to publish.
I've got to get out of here and go knit for awhile and sew for awhile.
Enjoy your day.
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