Thought I'd get to finish painting one of my bathrooms today but that didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow. I thought that I had really, really goofed. I had this hair brain idea that I wanted deep, rich, dark, dark blue. Well, night before last, about 10 pm I started painting. My tile looked lite green next to that paint at 10 pm. I about cried and begged David not to go into that bathroom. Well, yesterday morning it looked a whole, whole, whole lot better. So, I'll keep it! White accessories and it'll kick, or so I'll think. Then I'll top it with blue glass tiles around the sink. Oh yes, I think it will be a moving statement! Who cares if everyone that goes in there gets the job done and doesn't linger long. Not Me!!!
I have someone by the name of Anne from Cali. looking at knitting patterns for a sweater. She is an artist so I think she'll choose something that really "talks" to her, probably a pattern from Kaffe. Kaffe patterns are absolutely hot in my opinion. Now there isn't a single one that doesn't speak to me. And with some of the yarns from those of you who read this, awesome!
So, I'll send Anne your way when she's ready for yarn, k?
Have a terrific week.

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