Monday, July 20, 2009


Laura commented on my roses in the photos of the puppies. I wanted to tell you what I do to care for them.
I use Bayer Advanced for Trees and Shrubs, once a year. Then I cover the ground with about 3-5 inches of pine needles around the trunks of the roses.
Remember after the blooms fall off, using scissors, cut on an angle on the stem. Make sure it is just above a 5 leaf area. Just above.....Within a couple weeks you'll see a new shoot.

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Sunday, July 19, 2009


Aren't the baby puppies growing up? I have 3 AKC black female puppies (Daddy a Champion and both Mom and Pop are AKC) for sale. And 3 (2 male, 1 female) Coton de Tulear puppies for sale.
I've been working selling produce in our driveway and trying to knit (when the wind isn't blowing too hard). So will try to get an update for you later this week.
Hope all of you are enjoying your summer and knitting, quilting and basking in the sun.
See ya soon and take care.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009


No lawn mowers, no cars whizzing by heading to work, just quiet! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Sunday church goers haven't started yet, but they don't whiz by so fast, ever notice? Coffee tastes better because I seem to sit longer and enjoy it. Why, I don't know, but I love a sweet like a cinnamon roll or something on Sunday morning. Everything just takes an "easier feeling" for me on the Lord's Day!
We trekked from NC to WVA to buy a Copper colored male Pug yesterday. His name is, of all things, Copper. He's a dandy. I think he'll work perfectly with my girls. Don't care for his breathing problems but will put him on a little diet and see if that helps. He's use to being caged up all his life so little activity. Here, he'll get to run out in about 1/2 acre of chain link fencing as often as the weather permits. So undoubtedly he'll exercise well.
Took my knitting with me but enjoyed the scenery too much for knitting. Once we got there, it was hurry, hurry, hurry so didn't do any there. We met someone from Indiana there who had purchased a Cocker puppy from us. It was closer for them to meet us there than drive to NC. And headed back. It was a 10 hour round trip. But the Cracker Barrel was waiting for us about 1/2 way going and kept us full the whole trip.
Evidently the cows broke into my squash patch. I'll take a walk and check it out. Rats! I had 7 different kinds of squash growing this year and all was doing so well. But life goes on, just will be another growing season, if God allows it.
Have a great one! Keep knitting those hand knit socks, hand knit coats and hand knit sweaters. Fall breezes are just around the corner!

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Friday, July 10, 2009


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Thought you'd like to see the tangled mess of yarn. I roll each up on a holder of some description. It's too difficult to handle 8 or more skeins while working color on both right and left fronts as well as 2 Ring of Fire cable pieces which will attach to each front panel.
Gettin' off here now. Someone coming to see the baby Coton puppies and I need to shower and grab a cup of coffee.
Will photo more of the 9 color hand knit coat next week.
Until then, have a peaceful and safe weekend.

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Purling Puppy
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Thursday, July 9, 2009


You should see the tangled mess of all the different colors on both front panels of the 9 color coat. It is really taking on the colored design now. With every row, I get more and more excited to continue. But oh the mess. Some colors are weaving in and out across each panel and some are just running straight or almost straight upward. Then the gold, the main color is running back and forth, weaving in and out of each individual color.
My suggestion to the lady that ordered the coat is that she have her seamstress make a lining to sew into the coat. Between all of the weaving I think it will not only look nicer but will keep it's shape better and also hold all of the weaving in place. I sure hope she takes my advice on that one.
Rained here most of the day today. Hurrah!!! The garden is full of rain so we didn't pick today. Might set up "shop" and sell vegetables tomorrow in the driveway to my neighbors and give to the soup kitchen.
Saturday we take off for Lewisburg, WVA to pick up the new male Pug we have bought. A couple from Indiana is meeting us there to pick up the baby Cocker puppy that they have bought from us. Joy and sadness, saying good bye to one puppy and picking up another one.
Have a great weekend if I don't get back here before then.

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Yah! It's rainy here this morning. So, today is a day for myself! No cleaning, 1 load of laundry and then it's all for me! No exciting lifestyle here, just plain ole relaxation, and doing what I want to do.

We were just talking this morning about how people who work in factories, on the line, have someone on each side of them to keep up production. If you are slow you get in trouble and if you are too fast you get in trouble. So with that thought, I'm glad I am right here where I am, home. Get up when I want, do what I want, and go to bed when I want! Lazy, aren't I? I think so.

Well, that little number deal yesterday blew my mind. Who sits and thinks up all this stuff? You know, the 123456789 thing. 12:34:56 on 7/8/9. Amazing. My brain doesn't ride on that train track. I was behind the door when the good Lord passed out that stuff. I'm more a gentle, kind, loving person I guess so not much need for my brain to go into overtime on anything too often.

I knit last night on the gold 9 color coat again. It is taking on color and lookin' good. I'll have a photo in a few days of the front panels. Am doing both right and left fronts and also the Ring of Fire cable for both right and left panel. Thought I'd attach the cable as I go but didn't. Best of all things, it will be exactly the same amount of rows and finished at the same time the fronts are finished. Hurrah!!

Going to Lewisburg, WV Saturday to pick up a male Pug. Finally found what I have been looking for. He should be able to handle my two girls just fine. Love his apricot head color and his wrinkles. Well, those are the only wrinkles I do like, on a dog! And then on July 16, will pick up the Bassett male puppy. He'll be too young for about a year or so but then so is the female. She is just about 9 months now so won't hurt her to wait on him to age a little. Nephew bought a female Bassett and plans to take her to college with him. Well, now, wonder how that deep throat barking will sound when 3 college boys are trying to study or party. Won't work, so told him she'll have a home here and he can get her on weekends when he's home. Ahhh, youth!
I have just got to work on those fabric grocery bags today and get some of those finished. You know I dislike looking at those little plastic bags more and more when the cashier asks if I want paper or plastic.
Have a good day!

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Monday, July 6, 2009


I am just beginning to get my sock orders in. Usually each fall I knit between 40-60 pairs of socks for people. I can knit a pair in about 2 days.
I like to have the customer measure their feet so that I get it right on the size I knit. Why in the world sell something that is either too big or too small or some kind of color that no one would ever buy to wear.
Had a nice compliment from a person on Twitter last night. Makes my heart bump up and down more rapid when people compliment me on my knitting or cooking. She's from Tennessee and a knitter herself.
I'd better get off here and get busy. The garden is producing now so will set up a table in my driveway and sell to neighborhood people. Have been giving the first to close friends and neighbors. Once it starts we not only sell but deliver 3-8 bushels of veggies a week to the soup kitchen. I hate to see anything go to waste. Last summer I canned squash for the first time. You know, it was rather tasty during the winter. I made it into squash casseroles. We probably ate a casserole a week.
Have a good one, y'hear!

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Sunday, July 5, 2009


Thought you'd like to see the colors, design, and charted design of the coat that I am knitting. Yes, that's right, 9 colors. The collar is Ring of Fire Cable. I have the back, and 2 sides finished. Am working on the front panels and the Cable along both sides of the fronts. Take a peek and see what you think!

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Thursday, July 2, 2009


The front panels of the hand knit coat are almost long enough to photo for you to take a peak. I can't wait to show you.
Working with 9 colors at one time and block by block (stitch by stitch) design is extremely time consuming. Had to make little balls of yarns instead of the big skeins so that I can manuver 6 or more at a time.
It's not something I can sit and chat and knit on at the same time. But oh so rewarding! It is by far, my greatest achievement and I am so very proud of myself. Ok, brag, brag, brag!!! But I am!
Am starting to sell some of my Coton de Tulear puppies and my Cocker Spaniel puppies. For those of you who know North Carolina mountains, Sunday we trek to Franklin to pick up a new Bassett Hound puppy. Male of course so he can take over manly responsibilities of the female Bassett in due time!
Someone coming from Indiana to NC this weekend for a Cocker puppy. And someone coming from Atlanta for 1, maybe 2, PBGV's. Yes, google it....PBGV. Petit Bassett Griffon VenDen. It's a mouthful to say and the dogs are fantastic! Be sure to look them up online. Little maintenance as you don't clip their hair. Well, I did after they matted in spots from the winter.
I'm off to bathe puppies. And work with the leach and the bigger dogs.
Have a terrifically wonderful weekend. Stay safe and enjoy your family and friends.

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Purling Puppy
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