Sunday, June 28, 2009


To those of you who don't know my occupation. It is a custom knitter. I knit for people throughout the USA and Canada.
I am currently working on a sweater for a lady in Atlanta, a hand knit coat for a lady in Philadelphia and a sweater for a lady in Chicago.
Love my knitting.
Let me know if you are interested.

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Thought you'd like to see my babies that are for sale. Aren't they precious.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009


The hand knit coat, yes, you ask, is she really working on it or what? Even my step-daughter asked about it after reading on facebook. Well, yes, I am working on it. The side panels are up to the decreasing rows and then will travel up until the bottom of the armholes.
Once finished with the side panels I'll start the fronts. Both right and left are intertwined with the pattern designed by the lady that I am knitting for. She evidently knows something of design or at least drawing as she colored it out on graphed paper using colored pencils the same colors as the yarns I'll be using.
I like the design. I didn't think I would. And once finished, then I'll be ready to knit the Ring of Fire cable that will be placed all around the outside of each of the pieces. The collar will be a mandarin collar knit in the Ring of Fire cable design.
I can't wait to photo it. Wish I knew someone living near that is a photographer. You know, someone good at taking photos. Why? Well because this is a one of a kind and I truly believe that once it is all put together many women will want one.
Since it is a hand knit coat, I have suggested that she have her seamstress make a lining for the coat. Well, more warmth for the winter yes, but I think it will give the coat extra body and encourage it to told it's shape.
And oh yes, I wanted to make a comment today about all of the blogs that I read. I haven't taken a count lately of all that I do view. Both hand knit and quilt blogs. Socks, sweaters, coats and table runners as well as quilts for beds are among my favorites. My comment is: thank you so very much! I see a lot of beautiful ideas, a lot of reading and believe it or not, it is very relaxing to come to the computer and look. Look til I'm tired, look until I'm calmed, and look until whatever comes around the corned next.
Enjoy the weekend. Yee gads, I was thinking it is Sunday. I'd better work on Saturday first.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009


The weedeater ate up 2 windows in the sunroom so the repair man is on his way. Amazing that darn weedeater. It has it's nerve!
I've been doing some serious cleaning around this house lately so am taking a break and going to sew this morning and then knit this afternoon. The golden hand knit coat needs some attention.
Have you seen the new roses out this year? When we finish the terracing in the back yard I believe I'll invest in some of them. Love Roses! Will check out the colors and do what I need to do to get the "job" done.
Repair man is here, have a great day knitting socks, sweaters or kilt hose

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Monday, June 15, 2009


Well, here I am again, blogging twice in the same day. I don't know why but something brought me back. Maybe because it is going to rain again, who knows.
I thought I was having dinner guests tonight but they just cancelled. Since we live in the mountains of North Carolina I wanted to make a country dinner. So began cooking bear meat and some local deer meat. Yes, you just read right. Don't think it yucky until you taste mine. Everyone raves about my game meats.
So, then I added new white potatoes. A squash casserole (squash from our own garden that I canned last summer). Cooked cabbage with "fat back". And for our lunch threw in some leftover spaghetti and some left over lemon chicken. A homemade pound cake baking I then decided to make some bread. Oh, don't get me wrong, I make bread all of the time ususally in those little cutesy heart and flower shaped pans but not today. Decided that I havent' used my bread machine in a long, long time. So out it came. So here's dinner cooked and no dinner guests and just finished up lunch. Nothing but a lot of extra pots and pans in the sink to wash. Hmmmmmmmmm!
Not only did I mess up a clean kitchen but stripped the bed down, threw in a load of dirty towels from the bathrooms and three other loads of dirty clothes. Yes, we are either clean or we are mighty dirty. Clean is what I'll call it.
Now tackling my "dirty birds" and going to clean out 5 bird cages, vacuum and mop the sun room and wash a few windows.
After all that, I'll be ready to stop and knit for the rest of the evening.
Sorry I bored you again, but wanted to just get it off my chest........dinner guests will just have to come another evening. Not to worry, if it's in the next couple nights, it'sll be leftovers! On a clean plate, who'll know? Just me and you and the sink full of dirty pots and pans.

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Spent Sunday afternoon making a fabric grocery bag. Turned out great! Gave it to a friend. Plan to make myself several as was on tv that Walmart and the grocery stores are going to discontinue plastic bags and paper bags. I had wondered why the push in both places for the fabric bag sales. Now I know.
Well, once I get about 10 made I will be able to easily fold them and stick all into just one bag until I reach the store checkout. Now the only problem will be to remember to finish putting the groceries away and then place them back into the vehicle. I'm thinking that once I forget and need to pay for bags that will be the last time I "forget".
Mom is coming home from Michigan tomorrow. I want to go early to stop at the fabric store for some new patterns. Ever wonder just how many patterns it takes to keep all of the children and grandchildren happy! A lot when there are 6 children and 12 grandchildren and still more to be born in future times.
You have a great day. I'm going to clean house (something I don't do often enough) and then knit on the black sweater and knit on the golden coat.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hand Knit Kilt Socks Lookin' Pretty Good

I worked on my kilt style socks last night at knitting. The cuff is ready to turn so will dig out the pattern and continue. They will be for me as actually a pair of knee socks for winter.
Made Lily the 3rd sun dress yesterday. It is ready for the top stitching and then finished. The first 2 sun dresses I took to Michigan. They fit! Hurrah for Granny.
I didn't think about the fact that she wears a uniform to school but they will look nice shopping, and church.
Most of all she liked the fabric paper dolls that I took her. I went shopping and bought her her own fabric cutting scissors. She was delighted. We ran out of time so I showed my daughter in-law, Shannon what to do.
Took Shannon a Debbie Bliss baby hand knit book. Debbie Bliss has captured beautiful hand knit sweaters and hand knit socks as well as a beautiful little brown coat for babies up to 24 months. Just lovely. Hope Shannon puts it to good use.
My back is breaking. I've been coating the terracing timbers to keep the bugs from eating away. It stinks! Two coats on each side. Just finished with the second coat now on to the ends and I'm finished.
Have one coat of paint on the wooden furniture. Will get the second coat on today and then start the shutters. Seems like more and more work keeps popping up.
Today I want to bathe the 2 inside doors, and start bathing all of the dogs in the kennel. Tar Baby and Peaches need grooming so will get them today also and if not, begin my day tomorrow with them.
Have a terrific day!

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Saturday, June 6, 2009


Greetings: I'm back home in North Carolina from my trip to see oldest Granddaughter, Ashley graduate. Evidently I was tired. Got inFriday about 11:30 am, lunch at Red Lobster and then home for a nap. Bed time was early, about 10:30p and slept until 8:30 am this morning.
Doesn't look like the grass waited for me but grew and grew. So onto the facts of life and out with the John Deere as soon as the dew had evaporated.
I truly enjoyed myself this week in Michigan. Got a little sun at my son's home on the lake.
Met a great gal, Barbara on the plane. Barbara is from a sub near Chicago. We talked all the way to Asheville where she is attending a workshop for her job. I am looking forward to keeping in touch with her once she returns home.
We decided to landscape the slope in front of the kennel in the back yard. Before I left we had a wood mill cut the timbers. This morning I gave them the first coat of something stinking that will treat it and keep the bugs from eating. No wonder they won't it it, it stinks. Will put a second coat on the planks before dropping them into the ground. I think I'll plant more herbs and roses.
Picked up the red wine vinegar to make the vinagarette this evening. Mint vinagarette and strawberry vinagarette will be the first ones.
The strawberries hadn't been picked while I was gone so we picked them last night and had a huge bowl for a late night snack and again with breakfast this morning. Will try to get some strawberry jam made this week. Blackberries and grapes are starting to look nice. This is the first year for 3 of the grape vines, 2 are old timers so will produce well. The 3 blueberry plants are looking nice and the old timer is nicely full of green blueberries. So all in all, I'll have plenty of work cut out for me with the acre of garden.
Radishes and green onions are getting way too big. Brought up a huge hand full of each this morning. Had something that didn't grow in the garden so will sink 4 small rows of green beans to use up the seed that I haven't planted yet. That will give me 6 long rows of green beans and 4 short ones.
Going to Lowe's tomorrow to look for a new table to sell my produce on in the driveway. My old table come inside for the parakeets to have their cages upon. Works good for the parakeets so won't bother them to remove their table.
Got to get off here. Will get back to knitting on the coat and back to sewing this next week. Hope to have photo posts soon.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend and don't work too hard this coming week.

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