Thursday, June 18, 2009


The weedeater ate up 2 windows in the sunroom so the repair man is on his way. Amazing that darn weedeater. It has it's nerve!
I've been doing some serious cleaning around this house lately so am taking a break and going to sew this morning and then knit this afternoon. The golden hand knit coat needs some attention.
Have you seen the new roses out this year? When we finish the terracing in the back yard I believe I'll invest in some of them. Love Roses! Will check out the colors and do what I need to do to get the "job" done.
Repair man is here, have a great day knitting socks, sweaters or kilt hose

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1 comment:

Laura Neal said...

I love roses, too. I have plenty of them. My favorites are the bourbons. Oh, they are so beautiful and they smell heavenly! I even have an apothecary's rose, when it blooms, it is a once bloom per season and it is the most gorgeous best smelling rose out there!